
Showing posts from January, 2024

Disappointing past lives

Some people come to me to get a QHHT session for the express purpose of discovering their past lives. It's not always a blessing to know them, however. Some lives can be brutally traumatic, there are fortunate periods in some, but often lives are mundane and boring. My guides recently told me I've been incarnating on this planet since the time of Lemuria, and that I've also lived on Atlantis. I know nothing of those lives. I do know more about my lives within the past 2,000 years.  One of those lives was as a Chinese emperor's wife. I've been a member of a harem in at least three different lives, and the Chinese one was an honorable one, albeit boring. My parents sold me to the emperor's agents, I was brought up to the palace, but I never saw the emperor. Instead, I lived my life as a low-level servant, sweeping the hallways and rooms in the imperial theater. I saw beautiful, fancily costumed women daily. They had elaborate rituals before their performances, the

The purposes of Starlink satellites

Elon Musk's ambitious project is more far-reaching than I realized. Here's what I learned by Googling "What do Starlink satellites do?" Starlink is the name of a satellite network developed by the private spaceflight company SpaceX to provide low-cost internet to remote locations. A Starlink satellite has a lifespan of approximately five years and SpaceX eventually hopes to have as many as 42,000 satellites in this so-called megaconstellation. And, apparently the satellites can be seen only when sunlight reflects off of them, because they don't emit any light of their own. Humanity is in its infancy where space is concerned. The average person has no idea what "aliens" are capable of in terms of technology and interstellar travel. The space people monitoring our planet's progress and conditions are obviously also using Starlink satellites to see what's going on down here. As Dolores Cannon wrote, we will not be permitted to blow up this planet. T