Bob the interstellar cowboy

Let me tell you about Bob. He's an interstellar dimension jumper/courier who chooses to present himself as an Old West cowboy most of the time. 

He's about 7.5 feet tall. He wears a Stetson, a red-blue-white checkered long-sleeved flannel cowboy-style button-down shirt with a cow leather, fringed vest, a bolo tie with a small, metal cow skull, blue jeans, a huge, metal belt buckle on his belt, and brown cowboy boots. He likes the getup also because it camouflages his real shape and looks pretty efficiently.

Usually he doesn't have a set shape. He is constantly changing dimensions, which means that he can't pin down his body to any particular mass. The molecules of his body are adaptable to a degree it's hard for a human brain to comprehend. His job involves taking packages across dimensions to different locations and to different beings. Usually those packages are composed entirely of vibrational frequencies and he stores them in his own body for transport. That's how flexible he is. For the more solid packages, he has leather pouches hanging from his belt where he can store things.

For a frequency transport, he will construct a hollow space in his body, usually on the front of his torso, and deposit the package there. His body's molecules will construct a barrier between him and the mass of frequency so they don't contaminate each other. This is important, because the energy frequency can contain any number of complex things--DNA samples (DNA is always a frequency and becomes solid only when required for functioning in a denser dimension), creation formulas, food for specific energetic beings, thought forms for inventions, star maps, or information of any kind. Creation formulas might include the specific energies needed for the construction of stargates or the energetic seeding for a type of planetary environment for growing different flora/fauna.  

For every run Bob makes, he also gathers and disseminates information. So far I haven't seen him in my normal daily consciousness, but I usually only feel things, anyway. I know he comes to see me pretty often, more often now that the planet's situation is what it is and the New Earth birth pains are so evident. He gathers information from my energy field on the current planetary situation and passes it on to the beings he comes into contact with on his journeys. He's a courier for various galactic councils and the space people in general, and I'm not his only contact on this planet, either.

So, if you ever see or feel Bob, it's okay. He's just checking up on what's happening. Normally his face is kind of wavy underneath his Stetson, but he can make his features resemble those of an old, sun-browned cowboy with deep forehead creases, a sharp, long, nose, a narrow mouth with thin lips, and a wide, well-defined jaw. He also likes to wear a stubble on his chin, like he hasn't had the time to shave in a few days. Yeah, he can make himself look good. What gives him away, though, is his tall stature. For some reason it's hard for him to shrink himself down to a more normal 6 feet. Also his eyes--he likes the wide-brimmed cowboy hat because he can hide his eyes. They change color and shape depending on where he's traveling. They can be quite piercing and unsettling, too.

Thanks for reminding me of your presence, Bob. See you next time.


  1. Bob seems like an interesting guy. He's welcome to drop by when he's around. 7,5 feet tall is quite radical, maybe that's why I chose to be 6 ft tall while here :)


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