The UFOs in the clouds

I'm looking to the skies more often these days. My ET guides, the Tourmalines, have been showing me how people can see their vessels during the day through the positive cloud shapes and the negative spaces between the clouds.

As we know from the work of Masaru Emoto, author of the 2005 book The Hidden Messages in Water, different energy frequencies (thoughts, words, and feelings) directed toward water molecules will influence those molecules to form different shapes. The following photos were taken of the clouds, which are made of condensed water vapor. 

I took these pictures on Sept. 7, 2024, from the front steps of my house in Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, where I often sit if it’s warm enough. I got the urge to take pictures of the sky with my iPhone. I didn’t see anything noteworthy right away, but I saw what they wanted me to see after I started paying attention. I took the following picture at 3:49 p.m.

The upper-middle part of the photo shows a dome shape partially formed by the clouds around it. Notice how the dome shape seems to shine through the cloud below on the right side of it. The left side is more defined by the positive cloud shape. The following is a tighter crop of the dome from this same picture.

When I posted these pictures on Facebook, a friend pointed out that there are two domes there instead of one and there's a triangular spaceship disguised as a little cloud in the middle-bottom part of the bigger dome.

Here's a blowup of the circled area. The triangle shape is visible with ball-like extensions on each of the three corners. The right side looks more defined.

The following picture was taken at 3:52 p.m. and shows how whatever was there is no longer there to hold the shapes. 

I don’t know how large the vessel or vessels were that formed these shapes. The mother ships can be many miles long. The shuttle ships are smaller, but the energy fields they can exude can extend far beyond the vessel walls. It’s probable that smaller ships, like the triangular one, caused the clouds to take shape through the perfect love energy of the beings inside of it. The vessels themselves are also made with that same perfect love energy.

We are living in interesting times as the planet's frequency rises and gets closer to the fifth dimension. Some people will look at these photos and be amazed, others will dismiss them altogether, but the friendly aliens are in our skies more and more as the Earth's light increases. Changes are ahead, and I'm a part of the growing group of people in the world who are getting more in touch with beings on other dimensions who have traveled here to help with the transition to the New Earth.

Let's keep looking to the skies.


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