
Showing posts from December, 2023

Not a UAP

I'm one of those people who would be thrilled to see a UAP, or a UFO for us older folks. I got all excited a couple nights ago after I saw something in the sky I've never seen before--a string of lights, moving slowly, seemingly pretty close. They moved totally together in a line, . . . . . . . . . . . . ., and ten seconds after I spotted the sight, they disappeared. It was a clear night, I could see stars behind them the whole time, and even though I waited for a few minutes to see if they'd come out of hiding, they never did. I was so excited! My first real "alien" sighting! But it was not real. Someone showed me a picture of Elon Musk's Starlink satellites, and that was them. What a letdown! However, I later figured that I was still pretty lucky to see something like that at 6:30 p.m. in Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, with all the lights the town has. I was also exactly at the right place at the right time--on a hill above my house after parking my car--and look

Winter solstice vs. the birth of Christ

Christian leaders  needed something powerful to counteract the magic of the winter solstice, so they came up with the fable that Jesus was born at that time. Nobody knows for sure when he was born, of course. Now Christmas is mostly about gifts, purportedly because the three kings came over with gold, frankincense, and myrrh, but we all know the real reason we have to buy gifts.  The world economy runs on consumption of goods and services, and if you don't buy your share, you're the reason the economy tanks, children starve, and the homeless freeze their fingertips. The more consumers consume, the bigger the landfills get, the more toxic chemicals are released, and the larger the plastic islands in the oceans grow. Everything, food included, is packaged and most of the packaging either doesn't get recycled or can't be recycled. What is the year's greatest festival of light ends up contributing to more darkness overall. Maybe you can be the one who dares to spend and

The universal fable: How the Bear Lost Its Tail

I have been reading "The Legend of Starcrash" by Dolores Cannon. Imagine my surprise when I read the Finnish folk tale I grew up with, "How the Bear Lost Its Tail," on the pages of the book.  In the story, the fox tells the bear that he can catch a lot of fish in the winter with his tail if he makes a hole in the lake ice and goes there during the night when all the stars are shining brightly. The fish will bite his tail and in the morning he can pull his tail up, all the fish will be attached to it, and he will get to enjoy a big meal. The bear does exactly what the fox suggests. It is a freezing cold night, made colder without a cloud cover in the sky. The bear plunges its tail into the freezing waters through a hole in the ice, sits down, and waits. Whenever he feels pain, the bear thinks it's the fish biting on the tail.  The bear wakes up in the morning. As he pulls up mightily, he doesn't realize the water has frozen on his tail and it snaps off. The b

Earth: Alien tourist destination!

The holidays are upon us, and that has got me thinking about the tourism from other planets we might start experiencing sooner than we expect. Our planet is unique in many ways, and two of those ways are the free will and overpowering emotions it's possible to experience here. In my work as a QHHT practitioner, I've had a few people go into previous/simultaneous lives as aliens. One was a being who had to work all the time, had a long life, and didn't have the freedom to explore other worlds/dimensions. That being had very little free time; their time was taken up by rote work. Another person went into a life where the being was a member of a highly advanced technological society and their emotions had virtually disappeared. Many aliens I've read about in Dolores Cannon's books also have a very limited emotional range as well as little, if any, gender differences, and they usually don't reproduce sexually.  So, imagine what Earth could give to beings like that!

Forging ahead with/out fear

Dolores Cannon, the beloved developer of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, said that fear has no place in the New Earth. Today I took a step toward letting go of my lifelong fears by doing something completely different (thank you, Monty Python!). I've just spent 5.5 hours working as a member of the event staff at the Bryce Jordan Center in the Penn State campus in State College. Comedian John Mulaney headlined the show. I was a part of the crew that provided a cell phone-free experience to the audience.  I'd never done anything like it before. From answering the ad on Craigslist to signing up online to gathering with others--at the wrong place--at the BJC before the event, it was all new to me. I was one of the people manning the tables just inside one of the entrances. I had a tote bag of pouches in front of me and I crammed people's cell phones and smart watches in there, sealed the pouch, and gave it back to them. When the show was over, I was outside with the others,

Amazing predictions!

I'm addicted to YouTube astrology forecasts. I know a little bit about the subject, so I try to see what might be happening whenever transiting heavenly bodies are making aspects to my natal heavenly bodies. Then I try to guess how those aspects *might* affect me. You see, I'd like certain aspects of my life to change for the better. I think everyone has that desire, which is why YouTube astrologers are bound to get a lot of views if they can be even somewhat coherent in their presentations. At some point I checked out some Tarot card readers for my sun sign (Gemini) forecasts, as well, but I came to the conclusion that those readings are more unreliable than the astrological readings.   I can't rely on the Gemini or Sagittarius (my rising sign) forecasts, either, because my houses are so unusually sized. I was born nearer the Arctic Circle than most people on this planet, and some of my houses are huge while others are minuscule, using the Placidus system, which I like bet